The problem with ideology

Regarding this… The term “politically correct” is the incomplete version of the original marxist polemic: “politically correct party line”. Under strict cadre supervision, any straying from the correct party line (the preferred interpretation of various …world strategic and tactical events) was considered “deviationism” and was punishable by banishment from the tribe. The problem with ideology … Continue reading

Martin Cannon – The Controllers, A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction

I. Introduction One wag has dubbed the problem “Terra and the Pirates.” The pirates, ostensibly, are marauders from another solar system; their victims include a growing number of troubled human beings who insist that they’ve been shanghaied by these otherworldly visitors. An outlandish scenario – yet through the works of such authors as Budd Hopkins1 … Continue reading

Glenn Krawczyk – Big Brother’s Recipe for ‘Revolution in Military Affairs’

Are we being taken for a psychological ride by the self-appointed elite, via various covert military and propaganda campaigns designed to foster widespread belief in ETs as part of the grand-design for the psycho-civilisation of mankind? The Revolution In 1994, the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) of the US Army War College (Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania) produced … Continue reading

Anton Chaitkin – British Psychiatry, From Eugenics to Assassination

A behavior control research project was begun in the 1950s, coordinated by the British psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute, with the Scottish Rite Masons, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other British, U.S., Canadian, and United Nations agencies. The project became famous in the 1970s under a CIA code name, “MK-Ultra.” Its notoriety for … Continue reading